Sample elements
(Aluminium and zamak) – wheels, crosses, bearing housings, bodies, lids, knobs, frames, handles.
(Brass) – bodies, valves, nipples, electrotechnical elements, locks bodies, decorative elements.

Pressure die castings also with steel parts placed.

brass, aluminium alloys and zinc alloys (look at cast alloys review )

Raw parts, cleaned, trimmed /also finished (sand bath, finishing in vibratory device)/, machined.

Castings application
Household equipment parts, fittings elements, bathroom systems decorative elements, automotive industry parts, lighting industry parts.

Gwarantujemy, że wdrożony System Zarządzania Jakością jest zgodny z PN-EN ISO 9001:2015, jest znany i realizowany w praktyce oraz doskonalony przez cały personel firmy.

Centrala / Sekretariat


Sales department


ALWRO S.A.  Zakłady Odlewnicze
ul. Krakowska 23A
50-424 Wrocław

NIP: 899-02-04-029
KRS: 0000180276

Godziny pracy:
pon – pt:   7:00 – 15:00
magazyn: 7:00 – 14:00